Expensive trips & things weren't really possible since my work hours got cut in half last February and Shaun has been unemployed for the last seven months. This year, I knew what to do. I've carried a few things from last year's list over to this one, but most of the things on this year's list won't cost more than $20. Some of them might even make me some money!
29 Things To Do Before 30
1. Start tattoo work on my right arm.
2. Get my website up.
3. Volunteer at least 100 hours at ARAS Colorado.
4. Try absinthe.
5. Go on a 90 day spending fast.
6. Enter a photo contest.
7. Publish a blurb book.
8. Make a pair of flats.
9. Host a dinner party with Shaun.
10. Make a Monk and Mao Photography Facebook page.
11. Learn to screenprint.
12. Go to yoga class every day for 60 days.
13. Read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.
14. Make something functional.
15. Learn how to do 10 things in Photoshop.
16. Paint my dresser white.
17. Get my picture taken in a photo booth.
18. Run a 5K.
19. Shoot a gun.
20. Make tamales.
21. Start learning French.
22. Have a photo shoot with Shaun.
23. Figure out how to make awesome vegan beignets.
24. Build a snowman.
25. Get a paid photography job.
26. Run 100 miles in 1 month.
27. Eat something I’ve grown.
28. Take boudoir photos of a friend.
29. Do SOMETHING with the Find Love Every Day idea.
Yeah, no fancy jpg list this year. I plan on reviewing the list monthly and blogging about my progress, and editing it in Illustrator annoys me. Wish me luck!
I'm also working on opening an Etsy shop for my baking. I'm so excited! As soon as I find a kitchen space to bake from, I'll start listing goodies. Like Crazy Mae's on Facebook for updates!
I love this! I posted a list of 38 things to do before I turn 39 a couple of months ago . . . now I just need to start blogging about my progress. Happy belated birthday!